Articles tagués : passion conferences

Conférence: « Passion 2015 » (USA):


Passion 2015 Conference Opens to 20,000 Students in Atlanta:

Over 20,000 university students and leaders from around the world converged in downtown Atlanta Friday evening to kick off the Passion 2015 conference, the first of three, 3-day gatherings hosted by Passion this year focused on making Jesus famous while benefitting local communities and impacting the world.

Attendees at this first Passion 2015 gathering represent twenty-two nations and over 1,000 different universities. The majority of conference participants are students and young professionals ages 18-25, along with pastors and church leaders attending with their groups. In addition, over 1,000 volunteers – referred to as « Door Holders » – are assisting with various logistical needs throughout the conference.

The opening session featured a message from Louie Giglio, founder of the Passion movement and pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta. He focused on Jesus Christ’s final word on the cross, « Tetelestai, » which means « It is finished » in the Greek language. In his dynamic style, Giglio expounded on the meaning of this word and explained the Biblical belief that when Jesus died, He died so all mankind could have eternal life.

« We’re beginning where Christ ended because His last word is our first, » said Giglio. « His last expression on earth makes possible all of our expressions on earth. We’re going to the end of His life to find the beginning of ours—the end of His word to find the beginning of our words. »

In addition to messages from Giglio this weekend, conference attendees will hear from several notable speakers including Francis Chan, John Piper, Christine Caine, and Judah Smith. Guests Lecrae, Matt Chandler, Carl Lentz, and Ben Stuart will also participate in this gathering.

The intersection of worship and justice is a familiar theme at Passion Conferences, and in recent years students have given over $7 million to provide awareness, prevention, rescue and restoration to fight modern-day slavery. Each year conference attendees are also asked to donate towels and socks – two of the most needed items at homeless shelters. « He [God] wants the people of this city to feel lifted by a gathering of this size, » said Brad Jones, Passion City Church’s Pastor of Community, during Friday’s session. Atlanta’s City of Refuge homeless ministry will receive the items donated during this gathering.

The other Passion 2015 gatherings will be held Jan. 16-18 at Phillips Arena in Atlanta and Jan. 30-Feb. 1 at the Toyota Center in Houston. For the past 18 years, Passion Conferences has been uniting college students around the world hosting 50 events in 16 countries. The largest single Passion gathering in North America since the Passion movement began in 1995 was held Jan. 1-4, 2013 when over 60,000 attendees packed the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.

For more information about Passion 2015, visit





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Passion 2012 Recap: « vidéos de louanges »: « Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, David Crowder. (45 000 students-USA)

Passion 2012 (2-5 Janvier 2012-USA):

« The Passion Movement, which held its first conference in 1997, continues to grow by leaps and bounds.  Passion 2012 – a three-day event – concluded yesterday and attracted around 45,000 enthusiastic attendees to the Georgia Dome (Atlanta).

The Passion Conferences are restricted to those between the ages of 18 and 25. As explained in the previous post, Louie Giglio is the founder and architect of the Passion Movement.  His student ministry at Baylor, which spanned a decade, prepared him well for his role in motivating college students to pursue their faith.  Giglio has assembled a team of speakers, and those who joined him in speaking at Passion 201 The conference was streamed live, and each session was made available via the internet for a short time (24 hours or less after the session concluded).

Louie Giglio concluded the conference with Session Eight.  Toward the end of the session, Shelley Giglio joined her husband on stage, and they listed all the endeavors that would be funded because of the generous giving of attendees. Just before the event drew to a close, they energized the crowd by announcing the total money that had been raised ($500,000 of the total was given by a generous couple who had attended Passion 2012).

The grand total was (drum roll please) $3,066,670.

That means the conference attendees gave $2,566,670.

Giglio then asked how many would commit to coming back next year, and he got a huge response. He explained that if they took the curtain down and opened up the entire arena, 71,000 people would be able to attend Passion 2013; however, he said in order for that to happen they would have to commit soon to coming next year. »

Chris Tomlin:

David Crowder:

Hillsong United:

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Conférence Passion 2012: (42 000 students -2/5 Janvier 2012-Usa):

Passion 2012 (Atlanta):

streaming passion 2012

According to reports, more than 42,000 tickets have been purchased for PASSION 2012 at the Georgia Dome, in downtown Atlanta.  As of 30 December 2011 last week the entire event was sold out. This year’s conference runs from Monday, January 2 – Thursday, January 5, 2012 featuring renowned speakers Francis Chan, John Piper and Beth Moore and host, Louie Giglio.

Also featured will be all the sixstepsrecords artists as well special guests Hillsong United and Lecrae.  This will also be the last concert performed by the David Crowder Band.

Passion conferences are designed to draw university-aged young people, and many participants have had their lives changed. “Passion 98 changed my life,” says a Texas man on the Passion 2012’s Facebook wall with the picture of a hat, which he says has accompanied him to over 26 nations. “Tomorrow it accompanies me, my wife and 10 students to Passion 2012 – I am hoping they bring back a Passion Hat this year!”

Passion seeks to engage the “university moment” with the compelling message of Jesus and the challenge to leverage life to make him famous. To achieve that purpose, tens of thousands of students who love Jesus will make a difference this year in the city and beyond. Upon registration, every attendee will bring towels and socks to donate to the city’s homeless community. By Jan. 5, more than 100,000 socks and 40,000 towels will be collected and donated.

As part of Passion’s “Do Something Now,” the participants will also raise $1 million to free, rescue and restore those entrapped in modern-day “slavery,” such as bonded laborers in India and girls and women trafficked to Western nations from Nepal and other developing nations. There are more slaves today than any other time in the history, according to Passion. The Do Something Now movement has raised over the past years more than $6 million to help end treacheries like sex trafficking, provide clean water and meet other pressing global needs.

Still, Passion founder Louie Giglio wanted those watching the event, which began Monday and ends Thursday, not to focus on the names of the top of the line Christian speakers, including Francis Chan, John Piper, and Beth Moore. Despite the conference opening to a set of worship songs that included dramatic stage lighting and pounding drums, Giglio insisted those in attendance were not at an “event.”

While clearly the worship music led by Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, Christy Nockels, and Kristian Stanfill is a highlight of the huge gathering, Giglio said there was one name even bigger.

“Passion is not an event. It’s not a concert. Passion is simply defined in one word better than any other word and that’s the word ‘Jesus,’” Giglio told the crowd and the audience on the livestream broadcast. “He is everything that we have come here for. In our hearts all the way to this moment He has been everything we’ve wanted.

“We came here for one name and one name alone, and that’s the name that raises the dead. That’s the name that brings us back to life again … that’s the name of hope for the whole nation for your city, your campus. That’s the name of Jesus.”

The Passion movement began in 1995 with a stirring in the heart of Giglio to see college students across the globe “awaken to the reality of a glorious God and Creator.” Passion gathers college students from campuses and churches around the world and across ministry and denominational lines.!/home/

vidéos 2012:

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